Development of cDNA-derived SSR markers and their efficiency in diversity assessment of Cymbidium accessions
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Primer sequences and simple sequence repeat motif for new set of cDNA-derived (micorsatellite derived from cDNA sequence) series markers.


cDNA library
Enriched library
Molecular diversity

How to Cite

Moe KT, Hong W-J, Kwon S-W, Park Y-J. Development of cDNA-derived SSR markers and their efficiency in diversity assessment of Cymbidium accessions. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2012 Jan. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];15(2). Available from:


Cymbidium spp. are popular flowering plants. Assessment of the genetic diversity in cultivated Cymbidium facilitates conservation of germplasm and subsequent cultivar improvement. Thus, it is important to develop more efficient polymorphic DNA markers. Although more motifs (403) were identified and more primers (206) were designed in the genomic library compared to the cDNA library, a larger number of successful primers were obtained from the cDNA library (59.9%) than from genomic DNA library (51.1%). However, higher PIC and gene diversity were identified in genomic SSRs. The average allele number per locus was also higher in genomic SSRs (7.3) than EST-SSRs (5.2), among the 24 evaluated Cymbidium accessions. AT/TA was comparatively high in EST-SSRs, while this motif was not as common in genomic SSRs. The CTT/AAG/TCT/AGA/TTC/GAA and TGC/GCA/GCT/AGC/CTG/CAG motifs were the most abundant tri-nucleotide sequences in EST-SSRs, while GTT/AAC/TGT/ACA/TTG/CAA was the most frequent in genomic SSRs. The number of repeats ranged from 3 to 12 in EST-SSRs. Currently, 52 novel polymorphic SSR markers have been evaluated, which will be useful for germplasm assessments, core set construction, evaluation of genetic diversity, and marker assisted selection (MAS) based Cymbidium breeding.

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