Growth of Cunninghamella elegans UCP 542 and production of chitin and chitosan using yam bean medium
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Cunninghamella elegans

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Montenegro Stamford TC, Montenegro Stamford TL, Pereira Stamford N, Neto B de B, de Campos-Takaki GM. Growth of Cunninghamella elegans UCP 542 and production of chitin and chitosan using yam bean medium. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2007 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 13];10(1):0-. Available from:


Microbiological processes were used for chitin and chitosan productions by Cunninghamella elegans (UCP 542) grown in a new economic culture medium. The assay was carried out to evaluate the growth of C. elegans using yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban) medium, in different times of growth (24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs), incubated at 28ºC in an orbital shaker at 150 rpm. The lyophilized biomass was determined by gravimetry. The polysaccharides were extracted by alkali-acid treatment, and characterized by infrared spectroscopy, titration and viscosity. C. elegans grown in the yam bean medium and produced higher yields of biomass (24.3 g/ mL) in 96 hrs. The high level was chitosan (66 mg/g), and chitin (440 mg/g) were produced at 48 and 72 hrs of growth, respectively. The polysaccharides showed degree of deacetilation and viscosimetric molecular weight as: 6.2% and 3.25 x104 g/mol for chitin, and 85% and 2.72 x 104 g/mol for chitosan, respectively. The results obtained suggest high biotechnological potential of yam bean as an economic source to produce chitin and chitosan by C. elegans. In addition, the new medium using yam bean for production of the chitin and chitosan may be used for many purposes to reduce the cost price of fermentation processes.

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