Electronic Journal of Biotechnology ISSN: 0717-3458
© 2000 by Universidad Católica de Valparaíso -- Chile

Valorization of the fruit-trees local germplasm: early ripening varieties of pome-fruit and drupe-fruit

Francesco Nuvoli
Consorzio Provinciale per la Frutticoltura di Sassari
Tel: 079.2831520-079.390102
Fax: 079.2831545

Pietro Deidda
D.E.S.A. Dipartimento di Economia e Sistemi Arborei
Università di Sassari

P.P. Fiori
Consorzio Provinciale per la Frutticoltura di Sassari

I. Chessa
Dipartimento di Economia e Sistemi Arborei, Università di Sassari

M. Ruiu
Agronomo collaborator

Poster Abstract

The main aim of the research plan is the identification and valorization of the local germplasm and its conservation in collection fields. The work has been carried out in Sorso, Sennori, Tempio, Bonnanaro, Osini, Jerzu, Lanusei, Cuglieri, S. Lussurgiu municipalities, where it has been possible to identify some biotypes of apricot-tree and cherry-tree in course of extinction.

The identified apricot-tree biotypes are three and they belong to the cultivar-population generically referred to as "Bisucciu". The difference among them is in their ripening time, their color and their organoleptic characteristics.

As for the cherry-tree, some biotypes which present different blossoming and ripening periods have been identified in the cultivar-population "Bonnanaro".

Among the cherry-tree varieties spread in the past and now object of studies, there are the Muscadella, the Biancale, the Ghinda and the Cariasedda, in S. Lussurgiu and Cuglieri lands; the Carrafale, the Cariasa niedda and the Ciliegia caffè in the vicinity of Tempio; the Marracocco niedda, the Marracocco arrubia, the Bigliotti, the Cordofale niedda and arrubia in the included area among Osini, Jerzu and Lanusei.

For the main biotypes, a qualitative characterization has been reached through the observation of the phenological phases and the carrying out of laboratory analysis, aimed at the identification of the biometric features; the propagation material has also been drawn to obtain mother plants to be kept in collection fields.

At the same time of the biological study, a market survey has been carried out with the aim of verifying the existence of commercial potential to proceed to an economic valorization.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network
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